Thursday, April 10, 2014

Springtime in London

Frühlingszeit ist wohl die schönste Zeit in London ... alles beginnt wieder zu blühen, die Bäume entfalten ihr grünes Blätterkleid, die Sonne erstrahlt wieder mit Kraft und wir Menschen genießen erste Picknicks im Park, Eiscreme und lauer werdende Nächte.

Besuch aus der Heimat kündigt sich vermehrt an und so entdecke auch ich immer wieder Neues in London...

Kew Gardens - zählt zu den wichtigsten botanischen Gärten weltweit und mit der größten Artenvielfalt. 
Ein wunderschöner Tagesausflug nach Richmond, West London...

Japanese Pagoda

Orchid Gardens

Rosana´s Birthday Party

Wonderfully magic sunrise as seen from my balcony...

After a whole year, our little primrose is blossoming up again :)

Richmond Park

Tower Bridge walks

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Iceland has been a very special destination for me. It's just below the Artic Circle and - as probably most of us - I have never been so far up north ;) 
Iceland offers incredible natural wonders and the pictures below show just some impressions of our walk through the capital Reykjavik, hiking up a vulcano, exploring in between the European and North American tectonic plates, discovering landscapes that made us feel like being on the Moon, on Mars, on Jupiter and other far far away planets and soaking in the hot springs of Blue Lagoon *kkkk*

in and around Reykjavik

Þingvellir National Park ... where the European and the NorthAmerican continental plates are moving away from each other a few mm every year!

a cute white bird that has perfectly adapted to a wintery landscape

even there is no fence, an entrance gate is here ;)

our baby tiger rental car ;)

Geysir ... one of the most amazing natural wonders I have ever seen :)
Shooting hot water into the air from deep inside every few minutes!

hot water in rivers is nothing seldom in Iceland
 ...just metres away from all the snow and high up in the mountains we enjoy this wonderfully hot river...

GULLFOSS - the golden waterfall

a toilet, in the middle of nowhere

black lava beaches

exploring a 1.5km long cave ... full of ice stalagtites and stalagmites this time of the year!

We can clearly feel that the ground below us is hot and it's boiling inside mother earth ... smoke can be seen from far away, sometimes geysirs are gushing up!

Iceland's Land End

BLUE LAGOON ... soaking in hot water! A wonderful treat and perfect end of our wonderful trip!

I will be back ... would love to come back in summer to see everything blossoming :)