Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Yachuan&Christoph's Wedding

Thank you very much for the invitation to your wedding, Yachuan&Christoph. I felt very honoured to sit next to my friend and beautiful bride! 
It was a pleasure to be with you during this very special and unique weekend. 

Red envelopes belong to every wedding in Taiwan, where Yachuan is from ... this is how guests show their appreciation for the invitation (and it seems also a little bit to show how well off they are ;)

It was fun to see how you two have the same humour and simply complement each other perfectly for comedy ;))

As Christoph has well noted ... on that special day, the most important man is not the groom - it is the photographer that has been flown in all the way from Taiwan especially for this event! 

...what a lovely weekend with the newly-wed couple. 

All the best for you and many happy years together!

Monday, August 25, 2014

In love with SWITZERLAND

After two and half years I am back again in this gorgeous country!
Having lived here for two summers and having paid various short visits to different regions, it is now time to explore the capital BERN and nearby BASEL on the border to France and Germany.
The actual reason for my visit is equally beautiful> my friend Yachuan is getting married to Christoph in quaint little Spiez at the shore of Lake Thun. Weather is great, food delicious, people amazingly friendly and the landscape, well ... no words for that!

Bern - the capital of Switzerland

One thing I definitely have to come back for is the famous "AareSchwumm" where people jump into the refreshing water and let the current take them down the river... 

Zytglogge - Bern's landmark :)

This weekend is a little festival going on where all the different trades show what they are specialised in. 

One of the many highlights at my trip: my host Sascha takes me to his bee house and I can help him feeding the animals!

Self-made sugarwater with flower blossoms ... yummy!

On my way back into the city I cycle through a little forest, along a small river and past beautiful old houses with lovely gardens and lotsa green area around ... who would think we are just minutes away from the capital?! 

Traditional Swiss Dinner - of course Roesti with loads of Cheese and popular Rivella as a drink :) 

On Saturday we celebrate the marriage of Yachuan and Christoph. They had a professional photographer with his assistant flown in and so I will happily take the opportunity to post his photos here once I have them :)

We hear about and indeed see similarities and differences between Switzerland and Taiwan and how they both overcome them with good humour ;))

Welcome to EMMENTAL - yes, this is the region were this famous, delicious cheese is from!

Cheese making ... back in the days and nowadays... 

BASEL präsentiert sich uns heute von seiner schönen Seite.
Vom Muenster aus haben wir einen grossartigen Blick über die ganze Stadt.

Der Rhein fliesst durch Basel und die Leute haben sich Kreatives einfallen lassen, um ihn zu überqueren :)
Ein Seil wird ein ein paar Meter Höhe über den Rhein gespannt. Ein Boot wird an diesem Seil festgemacht. Mit dem Bug flussabwärts bewegt es sich dennoch seitlich auf die andere Uferhälfte zu weil ja am Seil festgemacht ... mitzufahren ist spannend, kann ich nur empfehlen :)

das Rathaus von Basel

SPIELZEUGWELTEN MUSEUM BASEL ... Kindheitstraeume werden wahr ;))

In jedem von uns steckt doch ein Kind :)

Sisch huera guat xi ... was fuer grossartige Tage in der Schweiz - ich freu mich jetzt schon auf ein Wiedersehen! 
Vielen Dank fuer eure Gastfreundschaft und bis bald...irgendwo, irgendwann...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Out and about...

Juhuuu - los geht's, die nächsten Wochen bringen wieder ganz viele Ortswechsel mit sich, ich werd einen Abstecher in Österreich sein und bei der Gelegenheit auch meine Lieben besuchen, dann geht's auf einen Sprung geschäftlich nach Stuttgart und Ulm. 
Danach steht die Schweiz am Programm auf die ich mich schon seit Monaten freue und vor allem weil ich diesmal eine für mich ganz neue Region entdecken darf - Bern und Umland, den Thuner See, Emmental und Basel ... meine Freundin Yachuan wird heiraten und so gibt's einen sehr guten Grund, mich mal wieder auf den Weg in die geliebte Schweiz zu machen! 

Nach einem kleinen get2gether in meinem Apartment in London geht's dann ab nach Berlin! Juhuuu - viele Wiedersehen mit lieben Freunden und Bekannten kündigen sich an und ich freue mich, endlich mal wieder ein paar Tage dort zu verbringen bevor die 7 Tage Arbeit auf der IFA Messe ebendort beginnen. 

Na dann, cu later London ... I am back in one month time :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Thousands of people, dressed in white, come together to share in music, dance, performance art and visual stimulation. Holi One brings this unforgettable experience to cities all around the world.
We come together to share in music, dance, performance art and visual stimulation. Holi One brings this unforgettable experience.

The HOLI ONE Colour Festival is inspired by the original Indian Holi fest. The festival is about promoting the ideas of togetherness and the colour of everyday life during a day of fun and exhilaration.